National Integration Annual Report


Gyan Setu in the North East  

Gyan Setu project conducts science workshops for students of secondary grades in remote areas of border states through college volunteers. The main objective of this project is to imbibe the value of national integration among volunteers by using science and mathematics workshops as a tool for reaching remote places in India[WP1] [BAR2] . The program featured a wide range of activities which engage students and promote their learning through hands on activities.

  • 13 locations in 4 states in north east
  • 133 college volunteers participated
  • 9059 students from 103 schools benefitted

GyanSetu session involves:

  • The Science Workshop – Focuses on engaging students with hands-on science activities, fostering a deeper understanding of scientific concepts like heat, pressure [WP3] [BAR4] Participants are encouraged to explore and experiment, making learning both fun and educational.
  • The Mathematics Workshop  – Aims to make basic mathematics enjoyable through fun activities and games.
  • The Cultural Exchange program[WP5]  – Showcases the cultures of host states through dance, music, cuisine, and other cultural expressions. This initiative provides an opportunity to build bonds and foster mutual respect
  • The Survey and Interview – Gathers fundamental insights into agriculture, culture, education, history and geography. Surveys facilitate  deeper understanding and help in meaningful engagement within the communities [WP6] [BAR7] involved.
  •  ‘Meeting the Officers’ program – Involves interactions with various government officers to understand the administrative system in the country and social milieu in different states. These visits enhance the participants’ knowledge about India through the eyes of an administrator.

Table 1: Details of Gyan Setu session in North East India
MonthState / Union TerritoryPlaceNo. of VolunteersNo. of Schools coveredNo. of Students participated
Nov-23AssamDibrugarh, Tinsukia10102045
Nov-23ArunachalRoing and Tezu1010562
Jun-24MeghalayaKhasi and Jaintia Hills1110667

The Exhibition – Know Our Country – Enhances knowledge and awareness of students on various topics where we see diversity in India (Food, Festival, Tourism, Language etc) The exhibition also underlines unity in such diversity. Feedback from students, quality of response, learnings by volunteers help us plan future themes of exhibitions .

Independence day Gyan Setu volunteer gathering: Every yearon the Independence Day Gyan Setu volunteers gather and review their learning of past year. On 15 August 2023 occasion was graced by Dr. Waman Parkhi who heads Jnana Prabodhini’s special purpose group for national integration. He shared his insights as former IRS officer and working as Partner with KPMG in speech “Future Direction and Aspiration for Youth.”

Visits to assess needs of various schools in Assam for further programs:

  • Bhaskar Partishthan works with children of tea tribes in Parbatipur Assam where team met Ashok Vernekar and Sushrut Karavande. Team interacted with the students from the Tea Tribe
  • Team visited Jatiya Vidyalayas in the Tinsukia area. It conducted a career guidance session for students and briefed school administration and principals about the Gyan Setu program and Young Scientist program.

Aryabhata Research Science Project

Research shows that project based learning builds understanding of interdisciplinary use of various subjects one undertakes. Jnana Prabodhini conducted training session for  Exploratory project process [WP1] for students of 21 schools of Vivekananda Kendra Shiksha Prasar Division, Assam. Distance training sessions were conducted for teachers and teacher assistants. In the first round, school level project presentation of Aryabhatta

Research Science Project Competition was organized in 21 schools in Nagaland and Assam.  

Total 101 projects were presented and 80 projects were selected for departmental level. In the second round, departmental level project review was conducted. 50 projects [WP1] were selected for the divisional level, out of which 30 projects were selected for the final round.

Students were evaluated on the basis of project reports and videotapes of presentations. Remote testing was conducted by examiners and Youth Science Dal activists in Assam. This was Coordinated by Mr. Nachiket Nitsure and examined by  Shubham Faujdar and Aniket Patil from Jnana Prabodhini Youth Science Dal Local examiners from Assam were also involved in process. Jnana Prabodhini Teacher’s Training department head Prof. Prashant Divekar supervised this process.

Young Scientist Pilot visit


Team of 3 educationists visited Jatiya Vidyalaya schools to assess feasibility of Young Scientist programmes. These programmes will be conducted in September 2024. Visits helped to understand status of Infrastructure and  readiness of Jatiya Vidyalaya schools to conduct experimental science sessions for Young Scientist program. 

Proposed Programmes

  1. Young Scientist trainings in Jatiya Vidyalaya schools and Vivekenanada Kendra Schools
  2. Gyan Setu program in North and South Assam
  3. Educational kiosk installation in a school